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JUNE 6, 2024

Life in the Trenches!

I love this blog and the wonderful opportunity to write down my thoughts.  Sometimes I write from an experience I have worked through by God’s grace.  Other times I am in the process of working through a particular dilemma or problem.

This week has been a week of ups and downs. On Monday evening we have a Bible Study group called First Place for Health.  Immediately following our Bible Study there is another Study for women only.  Most of the ladies in our First Place for Health group are also in the Ladies' Bible study.  This past Monday the Ladies' Bible study had an end-of-semester party off campus. (That’s Baptist lingo for a covered dish meal at someone’s home.)  We had a very lively albeit small group that met for First Place.  The rest were putting the finishing touches on their covered dish offerings or at the beach.  Tuesday was super busy at work. Wednesday was busy and had long hours.  I got home at around 9:15 p.m. from work.

In addition, I noticed a “reel” on Instagram that contained a preacher who was preaching about compulsive behavior being not from God but from the devil.  That singular thought has gripped me this week.  Yesterday, our church received leftovers and day-old remains from Panera Bread.  We repackage the bread and give it to our shut-ins or a local thrift store with a food ministry supported by our local churches.  What compulsive behaviors to I have? One is stress eating.  Yesterday, I ate two cookies from Panera and went home after rehearsal to finish off our Buckee’s Beaver Nuggets, chips and dip, and a few lime cookies.  I wasn’t hungry.  I was being compulsive.  According to God’s Word, Christ is alive in me.  Christ overcame sin, death and the devil.  That same power is in me.  I don’t need to live under demonic compulsions when I have freedom through the spirit.  What I showed yesterday was “stinkin’ thinkin’!”  Today, I submitted to recording my food in my app, drinking my water and allowing a reset in my thinking.  It has been a better day. 

It occurred to me that maybe some others might benefit from having a reset day! In our First Place for Health study we have been taking a long hard look at spiritual disciplines.  Discipline seems to be such a harsh word and for many it carries negative connotations.  We learned that in order to best get a proper framework for the word discipline we need to take a look at the person who is administrating said discipline.  The bible says we had parents who disciplined us and we loved and RESPECTED the for it.  How much more should we love and respect our Heavenly Father when He disciplines us.  It is the amazing love of the Father in Heaven that allows us to continue to trust Him even in difficult times.  Yes, the stresses with always be with us.  It might be time to stop focusing on our stress and focus instead on our loving heavenly father who is allowing and has planned for us to go through our said trial of the day.  I’ve listed some scriptures of victory that I hope encourage you as much as they have me.




  • Galatians 5:1: "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery".
  • Luke 4:18: Jesus says, "I have come to Earth to proclaim freedom".
  • John 8:36: Jesus says, "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed".
  • Galatians 5:17: Paul warns Christians in Galatia not to waste their freedom in Christ by serving their flesh, but instead to serve each other in love.
  • 1 Peter 2:16: "Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God".